Members of today’s workforce are largely united in one fundamental belief: They’re paying more than they ought to be to the federal government in taxes, a new poll reveals.

Members of today’s workforce are largely united in one fundamental belief: They’re paying more than they ought to be to the federal government in taxes, a new poll reveals.
If there’s only one conference you go to this year, make it the one that’s scheduled next month in the nation’s capital.
Over 33 percent of Generation X hasn’t saved anything for retirement, according to a recent poll conducted by the Insured Retirement Institute.
Employers love staff members who go above and beyond the call of duty. It turns out, though, that many workers aren't using the same go-getter strategy when it comes to preparing for their retirement, based on the results of a newly released study
From an insurance sales professional's perspective, there's more to volunteering than simply helping your community – not to mention serving as a great way to land more referrals and prospects. It could also wind up lengthening your life, a newly released study suggests.
In a recent survey of approximately 1,100 accounting and finance professionals, only 10 percent of respondents indicated they knew of someone internally who would be able to step into a role that was left by a former employee, staffing firm Robert Half Management Resources found.
Approximately 50 percent of Chinese-Americans are said to own life insurance, based on a recent survey conducted by worldwide research organization LIMRA. That contrasts sharply with the 39 percent of the general population who have a policy in place.
While the days of the milkman and the VCR repairman may have come and gone, the insurance professional will never go away. After all, everyone needs insurance, whether it's to drive, to cover medical expenses or to financially provide for loved ones after a loss.
When consumers use a financial plan to generate wealth creation, it tends to lead to an increased interest in securing financial products, a newly released study has discovered.
The key element to business success is growth, and you can find through Leveraged Planning®. Here are several ways in which leveraged planning can assist with building your company's potential: