Only slightly more than 1 in 3 self-employed individuals in the U.S. routinely puts money away to save for retirement, according to a recent poll.
What your clients plan to do with their tax refund this year
Only 6 percent of Americans who plan on receiving a tax refund from the IRS this year will use it to splurge on a desirable purchase, a recent poll
Raising a child just got more expensive
While it may be rewarding, raising a child in today’s America is an expensive endeavor.
How much life insurance do your clients need?
It’s a question that agents get asked quite a bit: How much life insurance is enough?
5 tips to make your clients happy
The best way to retain – better yet, win over – clientele derives from making them happy, understanding that they’re in good hands with you.
Women worried that leave may ruin their retirement prospects
Fifty percent of women who’ve taken an extended leave of absence can’t help but wonder if by doing so they’ve adversely affected their ability to retire comfortably.
People should be introduced to insurance at earlier age, Americans say
Over three-quarters believe individuals should gain an understanding about health insurance prior to or during their high school years, according to a new report.
Millennials’ salary lower than boomers’ at equivalent age
Millennials are making less money than what baby boomers earned when they were younger, new numbers show.
Millennials are buying life insurance – Here’s where they’re living
Where are 18- to 35-year-olds flocking to: North, South, East or West? A recent study provides some clues.
Texas major market for life insurance activity
Of the country’s 10 largest individual life insurance markets, three are located in the Lone Star State, according to a new report.